Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leaping ahead...

I am writing on the last day of February- thanks to a leap year! :)

That means that I can "technically" claim I've written once each month in 2012, although I have to admit I've been terribly neglectful. Good thing no one relies on this blog for anything other random "well, she might have written" updates. To you who are checking, thanks!!!

January flew by in a breeze, and I ended my month in sunny Santa Barbara (and fully recovered from Jan. 1 food poisoning)! The institute for youth ministry forum turned out well, and my mini vacation was splendid! I swam in an outdoor pool in January, went for jogs by the beach, and drove into the mountains to see a sunset. All while getting paid to be there. :) It hardly needs saying that I was reluctant to return to New Jersey! :)

February has been a full full full full (and did I mention full?) month! In addition to working 20+ hours a week at my internship, complete with consumer satisfaction surveys, our annual walkathon, and supervising the community activities for one group home, I am taking four classes, working at IYM, and babysitting. The second half of February I enjoyed the company of my friend Denise, who returned from Kazahkstan and shared life with AJ & I for 2 1/2 weeks (enough time to become addicted to the card game Monopoly Deal!) During Denise's stay I visited NYC twice, nearly equal to the amount of times I've been to the city the past three years! :) We saw Chicago on Broadway, visited various touristy sites, and met up with some of her Peace Corps friends. I can now say I feel comfortable taking my mom into the city when she visits in, thanks Denise!

Now that we are nearing March, many of my friends are in turmoil regarding their "next steps." We are graduating in May, and I am getting SO excited to have at least one diploma in hand, propelling me into my final year of study for the MSW. Although many of my friends are attempting the job search world, I am content to stay one final year and study. Thankfully I have a wonderful arrangement lined up for next year. More to come on that later.

So here I find myself, waiting at Rutgers University for my evening class, and deciding that I need to live outside of my daily grind and post on my blog. Here is a story for you all...

My husband AJ was recently going through his old emails, and he came across all the emails I sent him during our dating period. I thought it was funny that he had saved them, but then I started reading one of them..."my dear and darling and wonderful boyfriend, words cannot express my sorrow at not seeing you for two weeks, blah blah blah..."and I changed my mind. Not funny. Corny, cheesy, over-the-top, but not fact, they are embarrassing! So, anyone in that lovey-dating world right now, enjoy it, but don't look back. :) Those emotions are truly wonderful at the time, but the record of them is....well....weird. And the worst part of this story? He continues to save those emails. Oh dear. Three years from now I can look back again, and maybe I will appreciate them more than I do now. :)

Speaking of AJ, I feel like letting the world know how much I am still madly in love with this man, but the love is deeper somehow, a love that is shared with simple acts of mutuality. For example, AJ made me scrambled eggs this morning at the expense of being late to work. And he wakes me up with kisses, and when I respond to his chipper "good morning," with a groan, he breaks into "This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made." Oh goodness. Who exactly is the seminarian? :) We both are, that's what I've decided. My seminary experience would be lacking without a kind, dedicated, loving husband with whom I can share my faith.

That's all for now. February has been a tremendously eventful month, and I anticipate the same for March....and I might just decide to live it instead of blogging about it. That's the rhythm I find myself marching to these days.

In the surest faith that God loves us, I send my love to you.
