Sunday, September 20, 2009

My First Week in NJ

Princeton Here I am!!!

I'm beginning this blog with a good visual image. This is precisely the room in which I shall be typing future blogs posts. Hence, this is my dorm room at Princeton Theological Seminary!

And for your viewing pleasure- my then 7 1/2 week old niece Alexis...a treasure of a girl, and I miss her dearly (read on to hear more...)

Hello Friends and Family...
I have begun another blog...mostly because I need this outlet, I've decided. New Jersey is too far away from the people I love, and too close to so much adventure. This blog ought to bridge the gap.

I have been feeling a whirlwind of emotions. Generally speaking, I love it here (as is the case with most places in which I find myself). Yet I love so much of what I left behind in South Dakota, I often cry. That's right. Miss Put Together has cried nearly every day since coming here. At times I simply allow a few tears to flow. Other moments I find myself consumed in grief.

You know what's odd... I've never actually felt this way before. Ready to cry at the drop of a hat while simultaneously enjoying myself so much- yet, feeling so disconnected from everything familiar. Well, that's not exactly true. I have felt this way- when I was in Oxford for the semester. This experience is a bit more permanent, however, and I have welcomed meeting the fabulous people I will be studying alongside the next three years.

So here's the catch. I love too many places, too many people, too much adventure. (Ha, please don't believe that middle statement. Never too many people). :)

And as of a few hours ago, my cell phone is no longer working. Great!

Before I say a bit more about my orientation to Princeton Theological Seminary, allow me to update you faithful followers on my personal life. Many of you know this, but this summer I embraced many new situations. My new niece is simply adorable, my new fiance and I are thrilled for next summer's wedding, and my new status as "student again" has been a bit intimidating.

I've spent the past five days mingling with other students here at PTS, getting to know the basics, and exploring the area of Princeton. My hardest task thus far has been dropping off my fiance AJ at the airport Wednesday morning (he drove out with me, visiting friends and family along the way). I believe the tears have mainly ensured due to this "new" situation. I am as far from AJ for as long of time as I will ever be, God willing.

I say God willing because already I've been in conversation with people who seem to have much more faith than I. At times, I simply interpret events in life for nothing more than "extremely difficult," while others around me embrace such events as milestones in their walk with God. I guess that's the #1 thing I've learned thus far. I have much to learn from my fellow students.

This is all for now, I suppose. Please be in prayer for me, if you will, concerning my mixed bag of emotions- and you can be sure I will keep you up to date on my life here at Princeton. I'm a bit overwhelmed, so I mustn't go into great detail at the moment. Wait for it... :)
I love you all, with a love which flows through me from the warmth of God's heart.



  1. I am SO GLAD that you're going to blog seminary :) I can relate to so much of what you're feeling. It does get easier though, and you'll feel "at home" soon! You'll certainly be in my prayers, Emily dearest!

  2. EM! You are in my prayers and my heart ALWAYS. You call me anytime---skype me! Miss you so much. Love you.

  3. I am dying to know about your first day! Hope it was enlightening and comforting and challenging :] LOVE YOU!
