Saturday, March 27, 2010

I've been trying to think...

This past week has brought with it a number of blessings, and a few struggles....

First of all, I've been trying to think through the haze of (what I sense is) allergies. Although the blessings of sunshine and bike rides seem glorious, I think I've developed allergies to pollen here, and it's been keeping my mind in a haze (either from the meds I take, or the lack of meds- same symptoms- foggy thinking)...

Which is why I've been trying to stay focused, yet I feel as if days melt away in the blur of a swirling head. Don't worry, it isn't like this all the time, but most of the time the past week, it has been. I've had moments of clarity and beauty too, I've enjoyed time outdoors, I've been working on papers (one rather successfully)...but I don't feel %100. All this to say, I should concentrate on things you might rather read.... :)

I finished an exegetical paper this week on 1 Corinthians 11: 17-34 (it's Paul's address to the church at Corinth concerning unity in practicing the Lord's Supper). Really interesting, since this is the 1st written account of the Lord's Supper, and one which most churches use as words of institution before communion, yet Paul was primarily addressing the divisions within the church, particularly economic situations of separation based on class...I enjoy the task of exegetical work quite a bit, and I especially enjoy allowing my work to remain as a "working paper." HA! Basically that means you write all your accumulated questions and research, but you don't have to synthesize into a cohesive argument! Oh yeah!

Speaking of cohesive argument, I actually have to do that for a paper I'm starting on this is the 2nd of three for my Radical Reformation class, and I have generally zero my plan is to choose something and run with it, since I've heard from several people that this professor isn't likely to give an A anyway unless he thinks it's "publish-worthy." Ha well then, I'm not exactly anticipating a publishing contract here...

I have truly been enjoying my prayer group with three other married ladies (who are also 1st year students). We have a great time speaking about our lives and concerns and joys- and bringing them together before God. The consistency of this group is a treasure, and I've just now begun to realize how intentional people must be to create groups like this, yet how naturally they come together when everyone desires that connection. And prayer is only as powerful as one believes in its meaning.

Surprisingly, I have actually been able to take my mind off wedding for awhile this past week- well, okay, so not exactly "off"- but at least "on hold" while I wrote my paper. :) I am getting thoroughly excited, because my wedding falls exactly 2 months after Easter- and the time from Easter to summer always flies by! We have our wedding rings in wax molds waiting for us to try on in SD, we have finalized a number of details, our energetic mothers are sending out invites soon, and we are not feeling over-burdened with work for the wedding- such a blessing!

So, good story from last night. AJ and I decided to go on a double date with my friends Karen and Brian. We went to the best sushi place in Princeton (and supposedly the chef worked under a famous NY sushi guy before moving to Princeton)...and it was really fun, although I must admit that sushi is not my thing! Too many 4-H Special Foods rules about cooking meat are running through my head as I'm eating! Funny thing- AJ also took Special Foods in 4-H, but he seems fine eating raw fish. Strange. Anyway, all the dishes and food looks miniature which is really fun, and I sort of felt like a giant eating at a hobbits table! :)

Okay, that's about all for now- I am off to attempt this paper- or at least attempt to choose a topic. That would be wonderful! :) Please, if you pray, pray that my body might adjust to this season, so I can be of a clear mind as I tackle the next several weeks of the semester. Thanks.

Much love and a forever smile,

PS- I forgot to mention two very important things- 1. the play is coming along well, and we perform in less than two weeks! 2. my dear friend Emily is coming to visit and see the play, and check out campus! How fun, right? Okay, whew, almost forgot!

PPS- Another thing! I've been offered two additional positions for next year (both of which I sadly turned down due to lack of time)- one was to be host for the admissions department, and another was to be my speech professor/play director's TA! How fun would both of those be! Yet I already committed to doing the work of data entry at IYM. Oh, if only I had enough time for it all!

1 comment:

  1. I was just talking with Aubrey yesterday (YESTERDAY!) about you and how wonderful we both think you are. It was such a joy to see Northwestern people (lovely Fern girls, in particular) in person again. I'm glad you're doing so well! :)
