Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanks for Everything...

Here in Princeton my life often becomes a swirl of "to-dos." It's the student life, I suppose, yet somehow I know we all need space to reflect beyond our daily tasks to the greater picture of our lives. Thanksgiving seems to be a great time for such things. I have been trying to do exactly that this week, as I work on another 10 page paper and anticipate the other three 15 page papers yet to appear before Dec 18 (at noon, to be precise). Yes, I have so much left this semester that I often get sucked into thinking only about my STUDENT LIFE.

And then my husband lures me away from the temptation to become extremely self-absorbed. If I had one complaint about being a student, it would be my continuous propensity to think only about myself. And my husband is really good at reminding me my papers will not solve world problems- nor will they matter in the long run....or even short run, really. My papers are an important part of my synthesis of information here, but the synthesis of learning occurs the entire time I'm a student, and papers just happen to be needed to determine grades. Yuck.

So after all my admissions about how busy I am and will be- I have to stop and say....Wow! Thanks for Everything! Thanks to God for continually guiding me and walking alongside as I ponder the mysteries of faith. Thanks to my husband for bringing endless joy into my silly student life. Thanks to all my family for sharing their lives with me and providing a solid foundation. Thanks to all my friends for truly caring about my well-being- (and also luring me away from my self-centered corner). Thanks to all my church family for providing space for me to be involved in creating change outside the walls of the church. Thanks to myself, for learning to appreciate little accomplishments and take minor defeats in stride. Thanks to a husband who just went to the grocery store so we could make breakfast together this morning....ah I could continue on and on...

Speaking of Thanksgiving. I celebrated all day Thursday with a couple friend of ours in addition to another couple friend we only met that day! It was great- and extended into the evening playing games (Rummikub...awesome!) and enjoying our time with old friends and new friends...we provided a mean spread for the table, I must say!

I don't have too much more to update. Of course I do, but right now all I can think about is making pancakes and eggs, working on my paper, and walking a friend's dogs this afternoon. I have a friend who is celebrating her birthday today as well- so it'll be a great day I'm sure.... even if I possibly need to resort to my self-centered corner to write a few more pages on my paper.

I am waiting to receive photos from our time at Thanksgiving, so when I do- I might even post them! :)

Love you all, whoever you are. Take a moment to be thankful in your own life. It makes all the difference.


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