Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lent, Transitions, Beauty

My wonderful friends and listeners...

I have a heart full of intention and peace. Today marks a transition of sorts in multiple ways. It is the first Sunday in our season of Lent- and our church service was particularly moving today. I cried multiple times, and the tears were refreshing. I find that I know when I am truly living by my tears. In recalling several momentous occasions in my life, I realize that tears were always a significant presence. My acceptance of Christ's calling on my life- check. My first break-up with a boyfriend- check. My graduation from high school- check. My second break-up with a boyfriend- check. My experiences on various mission trips- check. My graduation from college-check. My departure from Red Cloud- check. My wedding- check. The first Sunday of Lent 2011 while overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessings of solid relationships- check.

Today is also a transition of sorts in my schooling- I am finished with a very fulfilling reading week (more on that later), and I am now embarking on the final half of my 4th semester. Essentially, 2 1/2 more semesters to go, and I'm an MDiv recipient. Yep. Never saw that coming....ha. Okay, I did- but it has snuck up on me, and I find in this season of Lent a wonderful moment to reflect on my experiences thus far, and how my experience has been so enhanced by my relationships.

I LOVE people, in case you hadn't noticed before, and my time here in NJ has introduced me to all sorts of people. Quite a variety of folks in my life, and I love it! For starters, my seminary friends and companions along this journey are remarkable. I cannot say enough about how dedicated, faithful, fun, inspiring, and life-giving my seminary friends have been and will (I'm sure) continue to be. LOVE them. Also, my church family in Highland Park, NJ- I have grown SO much as a result of the compassion, energy, humility, and concern each person has shown me in his/her own way. I am thrilled to be doing my internship there this summer. Another major aspect of my relationships while here is the continuity with folks back home- family and friends whom I adore...and they aren't all 'back home' either. My social network spans the globe- so let me be clear- I truly thank God for skype, email, facebook, and cell phones. Whew- what would a girl like me do without these tools?

And finally- I will risk sounding cheesy in saying this- hands down the #1 most significant relationship in which I am continually blessed is marriage. In some respects, people expect this to be true of newlyweds. However, I know a fair number of marriages that might shatter people's expectations (well, need I point to the 50% divorce rate?)- Wow- I suddenly feel quite justified in celebrating my marriage. AJ is wonderful- but more than either AJ or myself individually- I would like to celebrate the beauty of our marriage. This journey is not without bumps- and I risk speaking of marriage in the presence of readers who are light-years ahead of me in that department...but I risk it anyway, because I am enthralled with my husband.

9 months in, and I'd have to say that marriage has taught me more than any single relationship I have ever experienced (well, mom and dad still win the longevity award) :). I am learning when to say yes, when to say no, how I might lay the positive path of affirmation rather than the receding path of negativity, and what it means to cherish my life partner. We are exactly that- partners in this life together...and as wonderful as are all the positive models of marriage in my life, nothing can replace first-hand experience. Okay- really I can go on and on, but this blog would become a big marriage-loving fest, so I will move on to other things...

I have to report the most beautiful surprise that awaited me at the beginning of my reading week- none other than the arrival of my sister Alison from Japan (well, Okinawa to be precise)...she had coordinated a two-day surprise visit through AJ, and I had NO CLUE. When Al, my sister who was suppose to be in Japan, knocked on my door last Saturday night, it took me a few minutes to actually believe it! Once the initial shock wore off, I invited her in (probably a good thing to do when your sister is at your apartment door) and we spent two glorious days catching up. She saw my basic surroundings, attended church with me (which was wonderful) and we did some good ole sister bonding! How beautiful!

The rest of reading week I spent socializing (a must, you know), catching up on sleep, and actually being somewhat productive with my studies! I am entering the next 5 week sprint feeling refreshed and loving life. How much more could I ask for? (even with the time change!).

This is a long account, which isn't surprising considering my neglect this entire past month! One more tidbit- during the month of March I have been recording my sleep habits (which aren't great, but not horrible I realize) with the intent of discovering my ideal sleep needs. I need a more stable rhythm if that's gonna happen in the next three weeks- but I'm hopeful! Plus, this practice will give me some good raw data for my final paper in my sleep, surrender, sabbath class. If I have one mission after taking this class- I would say to all of you: SLEEP. It's pretty darn important.

Okay- much love to you all on this Lenten journey, as we anticipate the coming of our precious redeemer, and recognize our humanity along the way.

With a peace-filled heart,

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