Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 2010- a month to remember

Hello All!

In case you haven't noticed, I have been taking an hiatus from writing on the blog because of two reasons.

1. I'm in SD, not Princeton (ha, as if my location ever prevents me from sharing my thoughts)


2. I JUST GOT MARRIED! And I am trying to allow the bliss of being a newly-wed to thoroughly sink in. Thus, I have no guarantees regarding how much I will update this during the summer (we don't have internet at the house)...but I promise to resume all animated writing (about what God is up to in my life at Princeton) upon my return to the East Coast in September....with my husband AJ. :):)

I love you all, if you happen to be reading, and I am anxious to share more later....



  1. SOO excited! Can't WAIT to catch up when you make it back to the East Coast! And NYC may well be a possibility! :)

    Congratulations again!!
