Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Remember when...

I used to blog regularly?

Yeah, I vaguely do too.

Except now I don't feel as inspired. Why?

Well, perhaps because what I do actually seems boring to write about.

Certainly I must have crazy stories from my winter break. But then again, I didn't spend winter break in Princeton. And this blog is suppose to be about Princeton.

Nor did I truly 'break' from anything in my travels back to SD.

Except reading and writing. I didn't read a single page. Nope. Okay, maybe a news article here and there.

Instead I saw plenty of friends and family- and my darling little niece, whom AJ now loves (she gives him kisses- it didn't take much more than a scrunched-up smile to win him over).

And now I'm back in Princeton, doing my boring ole' study thing.

Except lately I intersperse studying with visions of my next life. My life after Princeton. Maybe I'm not suppose to live in the future, but the present is too boring without visions of the future, when I, you know, actually do something with my life.

Don't get me wrong. I love seminary. I do. I love so many things about it. I love the people. I like the lectures. But I don't like writing papers, or striving for grades. Instead, I seek my 'meaning' in odd sorts of ways one really shouldn't say aloud. So... (in a whispered voice)... I practice speeches I will one day give to young people. It's true. I stand in front of a mirror and rehearse motivational speeches. There I said it. And you may have even heard, despite the lowered voice.

So, that's what I've been up to lately, with my husband gone again to a week of class in Kansas. I prance around our apartment pretending that millions of bright and hopeful young people are eagerly anticipating my next word. And it keeps me going....keeps me contemplating this enormous mystery of God- being people of God in a world littered with false messages of meaning. Oh- and I'm also studying the Lord's Supper...interesting, but pretty 'heady' and really dense reading.

Speaking of dense reading, I hear a few books calling my name. Off to my world of study that is painfully necessary to enhance my future vision of ministry. That's what we like to call seminary.

Love- with all the hugs possible,



  1. That's OK, Em! I used to write essays when I couldn't sleep, so from one nerd to another, I think you are adorable! And I hope you are also dreaming of your next life in...South Dakota. I know I am! :)

  2. Thanks Em! You know- if you can't sleep tonight, I have a particularly sleep-inducing topic you are more than welcome to write a paper about! let me know! ;)
