Monday, January 4, 2010

Back in Action- 2010!

Wow! I am back in action after a long blogging hiatus!

Thanks for tuning in again to my wonderfully busy world of seeking God at Princeton. See- I have actually been away from Princeton for awhile- yet I still have so many updates to share, it's hard to know where to begin.

As with most posts, I shall begin chronologically! The week of finals was grueling. Not any more grueling than one might expect a masters degree study to entail...however, since it was my first semester, I'm not sure I had fully solidified my expectations of how intense the exams would be. I studied my little brain to exhaustion (seriously, like the feeling after taking a 4 hour standardized test? Yep. Three days in a row). By the time Friday came, my brain wasn't exactly prepared for the OT let's just say I did less than excellent on that one! But I shall report (my currently unknown) grades sooner than later- perhaps even next week! :) (I feel as if I am a kid writing home to her parents to check on my grades- as if I have some child-like accountability to my blogging parental audience) :)

So, exhausted from my super-mode thinking, I headed to the airport on Friday- as one of the lucky few who got out before the snow storm hit hard! However, my flights weren't exactly a piece of cake. See, I got to Newark International, and they told me the flight to Chicago was delayed and I wouldn't make my connection. This is the same dismal story they told me time and again, which is why I contacted a friend in Chicago to stay with her, since the next flight they booked me on didn't leave until Saturday morning. Ha! All I wanted to do is be home in SD- more badly than I had anticipated! With all the grace of God, my flight was delayed leaving from Chicago- which meant I was able to make it to Sioux Falls by around 1am Sat. morning to fall into the arms of AJ! In enough time to make my Sat. a.m. haircut, my cousins wedding, and my way to Minneapolis the next night for my flight on Sunday morning to Tampa. Whew, this begins another long story of travel chaos... (btw- the haircut was great, my family is awesome, and my cousin's wedding was beautiful!)

So I reach my friend Emily's place (of great hospitality) late Saturday night, and AJ & I fly out 7am Sunday. So, we didn't plan well in the morning to get to the airport on time- only to realize we had enormous lines to long that we would never make our flight on time. Again, a long series of God-events, and we ran down the gangway to make the plane to Tampa! Seriously- it was so close- two minutes later (or one less God-event) and we would have been flying ourselves to Caymen to reach the first cruise port! The joy does not end there...after we get on the plane, we realize our seats have been occupied by a family of four...which left us floundering a few minutes before an attendant ushered us to two first class seats! That's right- flying in style, knowing we were the luckiest travelers in that plane! AND although our luggage did not make the first plane, we eventually were able to receive our luggage on the ship before departing- which means everything worked out perfectly- and our travel mishaps suddenly turned to good fortune. First class- door-side luggage transport.... what more could we ask? :)

Okay, at this point I will direct you to a series of pictures I have posted online (facebook) which have captains that will explain our cruise better than I could in a few check them out!

After I returned from the cruise, I had a few crazy days of wedding planning, during which my mother and I knocked out several major "to dos" which felt really nice. We are about set for the wedding! Or as set as you can be 5 months out! :) Then we had our annual new year's eve party, which was great- seeing friends and family for a short time before heading back here for school. Also, our family waited to celebrate Xmas until I came back, which was splendid- and although I have been sick this whole time since Xmas day- the trip back home was wonderful!

Now, a short moment about my new class! I am in a Paradigms of Youth Ministry class, which is more accurately- a philosophy of living/eating/ministry and ways to discern the best way. :) like that title? I just made it up now. Yeah, I am considering a career in writing, thanks for asking. :)

I'm actually really glad to be back to a routine here, to see familiar faces, and to be active again in the gym! However, it was quite hard to leave SD behind, especially my adorable fiance AJ with whom I am madly in love. I suppose it's a good thing that it continues to become harder and harder to say goodbye, but that doesn't make the goodbyes pleasurable to say the least! Now, how to make 5 months feel like a short amount of time...

Okay, this is plenty long, I realize, but the typing bug hit me today, and that's when this blog is at its best! I would like to mention that I actually caught up on all the bloggers on my dashboard before typing my own (admirable perhaps?) :) and so if you'd like to send your URL, I'd love to be included in your blog, if you happen to be reading this! :)

To my friends who desire a weekly update, I apologize for the last month- and I will have you know that my new year's resolution involves more routine- which could include more blogs?? we shall see!

Peace to all in this festive year of 2010! Sending my love, but not my germs,


1 comment:

  1. Love it! Glad to have you back in cyberspace :} Also so glad your break was so glorious!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!
