Thursday, October 1, 2009

Classroom Comic Relief

You know...

I really appreciate hearing that a few of you enjoy this blog. See, it gives me a chance to let the web-world know about my happenings (and strangely enough, very few others but you, my friends, desire to know these silly anecdotes and seminary jargon). :) I suppose I'm saying thank you for reading this, because I delight in writing.

Today has been a blur of a day. Thursdays tend to be like that, since I have a majority of my lectures on Thursday, plus all the readings for Friday precepts (oh yes, explanation: "precept" a time when we meet in small groups to verbalize our learning). This week was special, however, since I will be leaving for SD tomorrow morning, I made up my precept today with a different group!

Since I cannot exactly give you even a summary of what I read- (and trust me, many of the words are foreign to me as well!)... I shall give you a synopsis of what today's precept looked like... So I came into the room (in the basement of our lecture hall/class building) to greet mostly familiar faces. Our jovial PhD student-preceptor (yes, it sounds official, I know) takes roll and begins to ask about the themes we encountered in Genesis 3-36 (one of our readings)... we come up with a well-rounded list...(okay, think intense bible study!) and he affirms us. I even contribute a few ideas. Wanna know what they were? Great!!! :) "blessing" and "only ONE God." Thanks Jackie Smallbones!

As the class continues on, we come to the part where we engage in role-play for the Sarah/Hagar story. It presents really difficult questions, actually, about the roles of each person...Sarah being a bit bitter about the seeming absense of God's promise to her (to have a son, proliferate the Abraham line, be a great know, minor details like that); and Hagar, poor Hagar, basically gets abused the whole time (it's obvious when you read the story, go ahead)...and then Abraham's passive-aggressive decision making...geesh! You'd think they were human or something!

To summarise my contribution to the class (okay, and I was going for a little comic relief here)...I ended class by suggesting that the physiological effects of having a child so late in the game (Sarah was 90) must have presented tremendous hormonal challenges (I believe I said, "hormones can do CRAZY things to women!"), which is perhaps why she acted so horribly to Hagar. :):) Funny, aren't I! :)

Trust me, I take this education very seriously, but hour after hour of intensity? Come on! I've gotta find outlets for my energy...and laughing is one of them....working out is another! I played volleyball on Monday, Yoga on Tuesday, ab routine on Wednesday, and running/lifting today! I'm going to fit into that wedding dress come June, mark my words! :)

This is all for now. I shall go to bed, since the sooner I sleep, the sooner I leave for the train station tomorrow morning! And I want to give a shout out to Ms. Emily Hoekema and Mr. Tim Thompson on their wedding this weekend! Two beautiful people, one beautiful God, plenty of great times!

Much love- and laughter,


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