Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Painful & Beautiful...

Hello my Faithful Friends,

I am writing today with my leg propped up on a pillow beside my computer, and despite the fact that I would love to simply be lounging around, it's mainly because I sprained my ankle on Monday at vb... Yes, it's quite the picture (me spending my days with a propped up leg!), not to mention that I have become a popular girl on campus now...let me explain.

So we have volleyball every Monday evening. It's a great time, we have some regulars who are quite good players, actually- and I always enjoy myself (perhaps getting a little more intense than necessary...I AM the only one wearing knee pads!). On my way to VB I spoke with a few people who said something to the effect of: 'So, I hear you're quite the player' to which I respond with: "What? who's saying that!" "Oh!" they said, "Everyone's talking about your skills! I should be afraid of you!" I simply laugh and say- "well, you can be the judge tonight..."

This particular week we had several new people join us, and during one of our last games, I go for a ball near the net- and evidently so do a few other players from my team. We all collide, and I come out with a sprained ankle. It's fairly routine for me by now, this being my 7th or 8th sprained ankle, but that doesn't diminish the pain... AND the irony of the statements floating around campus about my VB skills. Ha! Bet I surprised everyone as I hobbled into class on Tuesday! I say it's painful and beautiful though, and here's why....

I find that being in a vulnerable state can evoke the most beautiful compassion from others. My fellow vb players took great care of me, one of the guys drove me back, got ice for me (actually, he 'broke' into the kitchen and partially filled a garbage bag with ice!) what a hero! Yes, plenty of my friends have become heroes this week, and that's the beauty of being hurt....I am exposed to the kindest gestures which are not necessarily present in normal life...

For example, my friends Katie, Achitha, and Karen all made sure I got to where I needed to be yesterday, Henry offered his shoulder to prop my ankle during class (I politely declined) :), Ron lent me his crutches (I politely accepted), David, Joel, and Joe all dumped my tray for me at various meals, random people hold doors, a few fellow crutch bearers nod in understanding as they pass by, Brian keeps telling me how sorry he is about my ankle- and routinely offers to carry me places, a few other guys have offered to carry me (I'm quite capable of walking, btw), and the guy who brought me home continues to check on me every once in awhile. I'm sure I'm missing several beautiful gestures of kindness, but when there's a flood of attention, it's hard to retain it all! Hence, I've become noticed on campus because of my crutches- NOT b/c of my vb skills. :)

Whew, with all that said, I am also trying to focus on a paper about Augustine. I would make a rather non-chalant mention of it, except for it's my FIRST paper for my Masters degree. For whatever reason I feel as if anything I say isn't good enough. My first page I re-wrote about 4 times, seriously....and finally I have a direction, but it's still not extremely solid. I should be working on it right now, and I will soon enough, but blogging is so much easier than typing a paper! I will share with you my thesis- are you ready? (and you can offer critique if you'd like, as long as you send it before tomorrow night!) :):)

Confessions contains significant material to suggest that Augustine’s quest for the truth, journeying through various philosophical beliefs and finding his heart moved most strongly by Christianity, was highly influenced and supported by his continual bond with his faithful and loving mother Monica.

Alright, you can go ahead and tell me its a bit simplistic, but please know I have approximately 3 pages to argue this, with a page on either end to share additional historical detail. That's all. 3 pages, and I have that amount alone as quotes (I might cut that down a bit, after all, it should be MY paper) :):) But there's a sample of my work here- and I find Augustine's life quite fascinating, actually- he's a pretty cool dude, minus the fact that he sent his common-law wife away after 15 years out of aspiration for a higher political position. Gross!

Okay, I need to be re-inspired by Monica and Augustine. I look forward to hearing from you all whenever you happen to read/respond...I know a few of you read this, and I always appreciate hearing your voices as well.

Love you with all the joy this little sprained heart (I don't even know what that means!) can muster,


1 comment:

  1. Oh em! Glad you have lots of people taking care of you. People really are fantastic aren't they? :] Have fun with Augustine and Monica. I always liked her more. :] Miss you so so so so much!!! Peace and joy!
